Medical Malpractice

Settlement Obtained due to Radiological Misread of Cancerous Cystic Mass

Rikki Dascal

Attorney Rikki Dascal obtained a settlement on behalf of a 55-year-old woman who received a delayed ovarian cancer diagnosis due to a physician’s failure to properly read and assess radiological scans. As a result of the misread, the ovarian cyst continued to grow and eventually ruptured, spilling a rare form of cancerous cells into her body.

In 2017, our client presented to her physician with complaints of pelvic pain, and her physician instructed her to get a CT and ultrasound for further assessment. Both the CT and ultrasound showed an irregular cyst, however her physician wrongly concluded that the cyst was too small and did not require proper follow up, treatment, and resection.

13 months later, our client presented to the hospital with complaints of abdominal pain, and received another CT scan for assessment. This time, the scan showed that the cyst had ruptured but our client’s care team still failed to properly evaluate the cyst.

After another month had passed, doctors finally performed exploratory surgery, and the client was finally diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, adenosarcoma with a sarcomatous overgrowth. However, because the cyst had already ruptured and spilled cancerous cells into her body, the cancer will have a chance of micrometasticizing and recurring.

If you or a loved one have experienced a delayed cancer diagnosis, contact the Jacob Fuchsberg Law Firm today for a free consultation. We can help hold the responsible parties accountable.

Let our family help yours.